A typical day starts at 8 am, checking messages, and emails and making a coffee of course. We then have a team meeting for 10 to 15 minutes, each team speaking about what their plan is for the day. Feedback from the PSX team in India determines what we do for the day, it could be editing previous designs, making new editors/collage themes or packaging, and if there is none of that to do, we will help out with Adobe templates.
Depending on what I'm doing I set a daily goal of how much to get done. For example, if it is creating new editors, my goal would be a minimum of 3 in a day. Obviously, snack and coffee breaks are thrown in, and then finish up at 4:30 pm. A lot of people would think sitting at a computer all day must be hard to do, especially when it comes to keeping focused. I'm not going to lie, it is, well it was until I found what worked for me. We all have our ways of keeping focused. Mine would be getting up every now and again (even if it's for 5 minutes of fresh air), making a coffee, listening to podcasts (it has to be True Crime or you're doing it wrong), and chatting to the team.
If I'm stuck on something or I've just simply been looking at it for too long, I’ll just send it to one of the guys and within seconds we've reached a solution to fix it. I think a mixture of alone quiet time and chatting time really helps me to be productive. Two minds are always better than one or in our team's case six (fantastic) minds.