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  3. VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, CALIF. - The SciSat-1 payload, with fairing installed and attached to its Pegasus launch vehicle, begins rollout to the hot pad and mating to the L-1011 carrier aircraft. The SciSat-1 weighs approximately 330 pounds and after

VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, CALIF. - The SciSat-1 payload, with fairing installed and attached to its Pegasus launch vehicle, begins rollout to the hot pad and mating to the L-1011 carrier aircraft. The SciSat-1 weighs approximately 330 pounds and after

VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, CALIF. -   The SciSat-1 payload, with fairing installed and attached to its Pegasus launch vehicle, begins rollout to the hot pad and mating to the L-1011 carrier aircraft.  The SciSat-1 weighs approximately 330 pounds and after - Free Images, Stock Photos and Pictures on Pikwizard.com

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