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  3. How to Start a Money Blog

Are you thinking about launching a new blog of your own? To successfully do so, you’ll have to join the millions of people who are also jumping on the blogging train, so it’s important to get the essentials done right so that you can stand out from the crowd.

If you're looking to make money from your new blog, you need to be passionate about the topic you’re writing about or you will struggle to avoid frustration and a lack of dedication when things get tricky.

Get it right, though, and you can savour in the pleasant shimmer of success. So, if your heart is set on making your blog a roaring winner, then time and effort are two of the vital ingredients you will need. However, attracting the right audience should be no problem when you approach it in the right way with the pointers we’re about to give you.

Choosing Your Topic

First things first, you have to set your sights on a clear topic or sector for your blog. If you made a bad choose for your blog topic, if it doesn't fit with you, people we see it and feel it! As soon as you have this, you can then move on to structuring your content around the topic. Doing this means you’ll be writing with absolute focus around your chosen sector as well as giving you the chance to build in other areas that compliment your blog.

When you are posting relative, engaging content, you’re going to entice readers because they want to read your highly-informative writing.

Picking Your Domain Name

If a money-making blog is your focus, you will need a custom domain name. Don’t rely on a third-party-hosted subdomain, instead, opt for a to-the-point domain name; ideally, one that is keyword-rich if that’s possible.

It should definitely be associated, in the best way possible, to your intended topic/industry.

To adhere to SEO best practice, your domain name choice should factor in the following:

  • A short domain, using around 15 characters
  • A known top-level domain (TLD) such as .co.uk, .com or .net
  • Avoid hyphens due to the association with spammy websites

Sign Up to a Respected Web Hosting Company

Image of a woman using her laptop - A practical guide on how to get the most out of your writing if you're planning on starting a money blog - Image

The web hosting sector is a packed one, which means it’s easy to shop around. Make sure you are comparing good hosting companies though. Some of the best around are WordPress, Squarespace and Wix due to their ease of use and wealth of options.

Your main focus here should be to pick the right one for you in terms of what you’ll get out of it as well as the cost. Assess your options, get a free trial if you have to HostGator offer a 30-day free trial and go from there.

Keep a Regular Content Schedule

Any serious blogger wanting to succeed will be looking to post high-quality content on a regular basis. All good content should be:

  • Unique
  • Appealing
  • Keyword-focused
  • Insightful
  • Well-written

While some write content to appease search engines, try taking a different approach. Write yours for real-life readers while sprinkling it with the essentials for search engines and their requirements. If you write content that covers all of the bullet points above, you’re giving yourself the best chance to achieve high readership. Search engines will recognise this and reward you for it. Don’t forget that you should publish your new content on a weekly basis too.

Use an Email Marketing Platform

For bloggers keen on monetising their content, email marketing is one of the best ways to accomplish this. Experts claim that this is one of the fastest and most certain approaches to take for writers whose blogs are income-centric.

Therefore, you have to join an email marketing platform such as SendinBlue, MailChimp, ConvertKit, Aweber or Constant Contact, to name a few.

Set Up Google Analytics

Google Analytics is essential if you want to accurately track the progress of your site and users who come to view its content.

You can make use of the URL campaign builder too. When sharing your blogs out across social media and other places online that will get you healthy engagement, dropping it the URL campaign builder will be an effective tool for determining the source/medium of your traffic.

Set Up Google Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster Tools is another web service you should have in your arsenal. This online suite allows you to check the indexing status of your website and its pages as well as helping to optimise its visibility. You can utilise WMT to discover what keywords your site is ranking for and also - importantly - read alerts related to any issues with your website that might impact its performance negatively.

Google WMT and Analytics both provide you with an endless wealth of information to aid you in growing your blog and the site it’s hosted on.

Share on Social

You want to use every resource available to make your blog become a success. Day-to-day living largely revolves around what people see on social media, which means this is a tool that will help your blog get seen by as many people as possible.

To help you grow your blog online, we put you for free a lot of images, pictures on PikWizard!

It gives you the chance to not only link up with other bloggers with the same approach as you but also other readers outside of this circle. Remember, the more your content is engaged with, the more money it will make you!

For more information, to have a clear social media strategy, check out our blog post on how to grow your audience on social media!

Use High-Quality Images

Lastly, don’t forget to use high-resolution images whenever you are creating content. This helps to form a positive perspective for your writing and will help bring it to life. Here at Pikwizard, we’re happy to offer a wide range of high-quality images for you to use. Search away and see what you can find!

You can be the next famous blogger, content creator!