Stock photos offer several perks to creative professionals and business owners. The most visible perk is that they save you time, money and allows you to find right photos.
Hiring a photographer and/or graphic designer costs a lot. Then after you hire them, their work will take a while to complete. Of course, hiring any professional will also take more time. Between the search, the vetting, and the time it takes to hire and receive your photos, your final product can take weeks to produce. Even if you want to just do it yourself, learning how to capture quality photos and getting the right equipment will cost you time and money.
When you go to a stock image site, all the steps above have already been dealt with for you. Stock images are professionally produced and ready for your use. All you have to do is pay for a license, download a professional image, and use it according to your license’s terms.
Most stock images are more affordable than you’d imagine. Many of them, especially those which are royalty-free, are affordable to most people and businesses. They are certainly much more affordable than the costs of hiring a photographer and a graphic artist.