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  3. Our Favorite Autumn Images

Interesting and visually-appealing seasonal content can often be a great way to increase audience engagement for your blog or business. As we say goodbye to summer, we are getting ready to whole-heartedly embrace the colder months with these autumn-inspired images!

Here at PikWizard, we have an extensive and varied stock photos to help you inject a bit of autumn spirit into your content.

The Benefits of Seasonal Content

Autumn-inspired imagery isn’t just pretty; it can be beneficial for your content approach!

Seasonal content creates a lot of space for creativity. It can refer to the four seasons generally, particular holidays or ‘seasons’ specific to your industry.

Content linked to the annual seasons can be popular on social media which opens more opportunities for community engagement and increased views. Autumn is an especially popular time of the year because of the associated activities around Halloween and the transition into colder weather.

Creating seasonal content can also be helpful when building links with secondary bloggers, as they will often be producing similar content regardless of their focus or industry.

Autumn Leaves

This kind of image can be perfect for when you’re looking to add a bit of autumnal atmosphere to your content. When the word ‘autumn’ is uttered, many people’s first thought will be of orange leaves; one of the main signposts of the season are these kinds of autumnal leaf images.

Pictures with tones of yellow, orange, brown and red are so effective because they are instantly recognisable as being autumn-related, especially when it comes to images of leaves.

We already associate these colours and image types with this particular season and instantly know the kind of direction the content is headed. You’ll notice that the colour palette of this very blog post sticks to variations on this colour scheme!

Images like the one above can be used in a variety of contexts; they can be effective in illustrating something specific or conveying a general autumn feel. In autumn you can also use halloween pictures because it correspond to this season.

Seasonal Vegetables

Images of seasonal vegetables are often another great way to denote the time of year and the kind of seasonal content that can be popular.

Classic orange pumpkins are the most obvious choice but can often be linked more closely with Halloween specifically rather than the season as a whole.

Using images containing a variety of vegetables with a mix of shapes and colours, like the one above, can be a great way to give some autumnal ambience without focusing on Halloween.

Cosy Cottages

During the autumn months, we all like to feel a little cosier. Exterior or interior shots of cabins can be a great way to create some cosy, autumnal associations for your audience.

The above image is one of our favourites in this category because it’s a beautifully clean shot with so much character! The colour palette prompts feelings of crisp autumn air while the isolated cabin looks like the perfect fall escape; it is an evocative image that pulls the viewer in immediately and gets their imagination whirring!


In a similar vein, crackling fires are an excellent option for engendering warm, cosy feelings. These kinds of images would look great accompanied by the previous picture, depending on the content.

A simple burst of flames, like in the image above, can be really effective in injecting a bit of warmth onto your site.

Warm Drinks

This combination of a warm cup of coffee, autumn leaves and antique book is the perfect storm when it comes to autumn images.

Drinks with rich brown tones make for appealing visuals when the weather is generally getting colder. We’ve chosen the above image as a favourite because the colour palette of muted browns and complimentary dulled whites is the perfect autumn combination!

Have you have been inspired by these images to create some seasonal content of your own? You can also find some Christmas images and images for all seasons in our images library. So what are you waiting to find the images that correspond to you.