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  3. 23 Ideas for Growing Revenue as a Content Creator

Does Your Social Media Strategy Keep Your Audience Engaged?

Would you like your content to educate and inform - leading to a substantial growth in revenue? If so - you’ve come to the right place.

It’s true that effective content creators, whether through written or visual content, can attract potential customers and encourage them to pay for your product.

The best content provides value to the user and teaches them something they don’t know. Whether you are a social media content creator, networker, speaker, or visualiser, you should try your utmost to educate your audience, allowing them to learn more about your product or service area.

Who wouldn’t want that, right? When you search for a product, you should be able to find great content that both informs and entertains you.

Written content, images, videos and podcasts all fall under this remit. If you teach your users about your product area and provide them with helpful information, they are much more likely to try your product.

And if the product is up to scratch, you really are on to a winner!

Adding a skilled content creator to your team is simply essential for your business. You need to have the best writers to pull in those leads and get people in your industry talking about your product. It’s that easy!

Here we have gathered 23 simple ideas for creating great content and increasing your sales in the process.

1. Prepare an Outline for Your Content and Media

There’s nothing more important than planning your content first. If you don’t prepare your content with a clear plan, then the finished article will suffer! It doesn’t matter if you are creating a blog post, landing page or ebook - the same rule applies. You need to think about the purpose of your post. If there is any confusion, this will spread to your users and they will be twice as perplexed! Think carefully.

You need to first think about the angle of your post. Coming up with a title before writing the article is always a great idea, as it will allow you to remain focused. Then write out what each and every paragraph is going to be about, and list your sources. This initial preparation will make it easier for you to write and for your readers to understand.

This also helps when communicating with your team or manager. Any change of direction in terms of content should be established early so there’s no confusion.

A good social media strategy will helps you a lot make you win a lot of time.

2. Remain Current as a Content Creator

Keeping up to date with the latest trends in your field is a must. In the stock photography industry, for example, you need to know which types of shots are growing in popularity. Staying aware of what the stock photography market demands, and what is losing popularity, will keep you attuned to what potential customers want.

For example, pastel colors were a huge trend in 2018. By mentioning this in your content, you will appear as more engaged with the industry. It will also allow you to anticipate any future trends!

It’s important to constantly read the latest news and trends in your industry. To create the best content you need to know exactly what is going on in your area. Daily reading of the latest news and trends in your field is a must! This will tell you a lot about what your customers want or are talking about. This will then ensure that future upgrades to your product or service will be made with the customer in mind.

If you keep yourself in contact about news in Industry or other subject. You will be able to creating unique posts for social media, you need to have the information before other content creator. 

4. Understand Your Audience

Don’t ever underestimate the power of your audience. If you don’t understand the needs and wants of your target market then you are bound to fall short! Put it this way: having a clear lack of customer insight will affect engagements, leads and sales. You simply have to talk to your customer service and sales teams. Find out what problems your audience has, what answers they are looking for, and what they are interested in.

If you understand your audience they will see you as a person who have same mood, ideas, etc... If people feel confidence that will attract more and more people. It will helps to grow your blog online.

All great content aims to educate and inform a targeted audience. Before even talking about a product or service, a website should give users as much helpful information as possible. By helping them and providing solutions to their problems, you can guide them through the funnel and have them hopefully buy your product.

It’s important not to make any assumptions about what your users want. Inform yourself and communicate with other members of your team!

5. Write Consistently

Once you start posting content, don’t stop! It’s always important to have a consistent schedule of content ready for your users. This helps to build a relationship with your customers, as they will be expecting great content on a regular basis. And once they start engaging with your content, you’re on the road to success.

Deciding how often to post is an important step. Try and gauge this by the average length of your posts, the amount of time someone spends on your site and the traffic that you are receiving.

After you have established this, continue writing. It doesn’t have to be just you - build up a team of high-quality writers or freelance content creators and ensure that they constantly provide the goods!

If you are consistently writing, maybe mot after 2 days but once, you will see a big difference between your way, for example, to made social media content before and after. More you are professional bout blogs, social media and all the things around more you have the chance to turn blogging into a full time career!

6. Establish a Tone Of Voice

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Getting the tone of voice for your content right is essential! You need to speak in a language that resonates with your audience and keeps them coming back for more. For example, if you run a music blog, you would need to write or talk in a passionate, upbeat tone to keep your readers happy. An interest in your subject will always come across in any piece of content

Having your own unique tone of voice will also create a sense of familiarity for your customers. This will encourage readers to return to your content as they will know what to expect. Once your audience is comfortable with you and your voice, then your content will be all the better!

Telling great stories or using examples of personal experiences is another way of differentiating yourself from your competitors. People will come back to hear your unique take on a topic, or return to a funny or emotional story you shared.

7. Educate Yourself as a Content Creator

Keeping yourself informed as a content creator is essential for remaining competitive. Thankfully, there is quite a large amount of quality content out there. As a content creator you need to sift through this content and understand what works well for audiences.

However, not all great content is based around what works well for other websites. To really produce outstanding content, you need to communicate internally. This means talking to managers/team leaders in your company and finding out a bit more about what’s working and what isn’t. For example, communicating with your head of sales will tell you a lot about what your customers are buying - so you can tailor your content around this information and give the people what they want!

Gathering key insights from your organization and keeping them in mind as you prepare and write content will set you on the right path. If you understand and put yourself limits when you know what to do it will improve all the things around you even the way that your are making blogs, it will be instructive for making interesting blogs!

8. Curate Your Content

It goes without saying that content curation is an excellent idea. Extending the shelf life of a great blog post will ensure that you remain connected with the latest industry trends and your community. This can be done by sharing on social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.) - but you can do so much more! In fact, the best content marketers know how to keep a piece of content relevant and engaging without regurgitating it to their readers.

How do they do this? It’s quite simple. They add their own value to the post by sharing an opinion or a new insight. By adding your own twist to an already successful piece of content, you are sure to add something new and create something interesting for your audience. The person that originally created this content is bound to appreciate this too, meaning that you can build healthy relationships all around you!

9. Ask Yourself Questions

Never rest on your laurels! It’s important to keep a healthy consistency of questions coming so you can re-evaluate the work that you’re doing. Some of the best content creators have backgrounds in journalism and are naturally inquisitive. You need to keep asking questions about the topics that you’re writing about and the content that you are producing.

Taking an alternative stance to a hot topic in your industry or merely arguing a case is going to make your content more interesting. That’s if it's argued well and you back it up with solid evidence. You don’t have to agree with everything. Maybe there is a graphic design trend that you don’t feel has quite made its mark yet. You can argue a case for this in a blog post and share your point of view. Being curious is a great personality trait to have for the circulation of content.

And on the topic of personality traits - developing the right ones will set you up perfectly for creating effective content. The demands that are placed on content creators these days are huge, so traits like being inquisitive and having the desire to present an alternative view will allow your content to stand out in a sea of similar articles.

10. Network with Content Creators Whenever Possible

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It’s always important to build a professional network of contacts for your content. If you don’t have a reliable list of contacts in your industry, then your content research may become a lot harder! Beginning to understand that different opinions from thought leaders will make your content more balanced is just the start of this.

You can present your audience with your own unique take on topics. However, opening your mind and learning from those around you will enable you to take a new stance. It will show that you are willing to learn and change your opinion. This kind of honesty will likely be respected by your readers!

A good way of doing this is by logging on to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and seeing who the thought leaders are in your industry. This will help you when compiling lists for outreach and when you are building relationships. Don’t be afraid to work your way up. Some people may be more talkative than others, so start at your own pace and build relationships in a way that seems natural to you.

11. Educate Your Customers

The most important thing with any piece of marketing content is that you educate and inform your customers.. After all, when a customer comes to your website and checks out your blog and landing pages, they want to learn more about your products and the general topics of your industry. Ideally, you want potential customers to leave your site having learned something new and having the desire to return to find even more new information.

So don’t think about your products or services when planning your blog posts. Think about questions that your target market want solved on a daily basis. Perhaps they want to know the best methods of social media marketing, or even how to be a content creator. If you give your audience answers to problems such as these, and add further opinions and solutions to your post, then your audience should find real value in your blogs.

12. Give Great Examples

It’s often said that the perfect piece of content has to be backed up by great examples. For example, when you provide an argument or case in an essay, it won’t be completely believed by your readers unless you include solid real-life examples.

In the same way, a post on social media will not be taken seriously unless you can provide evidence of how a social media strategy works. Connecting with key social influencers, using positive customer reviews and establishing which networks to use will all work as perfect examples when writing such a piece.

13. Create Actionable Content

Always remember that the best content aims to inform your readers and provide them with a solution to their issues. This should always be in the back of your mind as you start creating your content. There has to be an end result to the solutions you are providing though. Let’s say you provide your audience with a list of 60 Instagram ideas. This is a useful resource for your readers as they will be able to learn from it and take it into their own personal and business lives. However, it shouldn’t, and hopefully won't stop there when it comes to people reacting to your content.

In an ideal situation, you want the person reading your content to take action on the blog itself or on another area of the website. We’re talking e-books, webinars, newsletters or mailing lists. Once that person on your blog signs up to something (which is also of value to them) and becomes a lead then you have succeeded. Don’t forget that they can also turn to your product or pricing page and make a direct purchase after reading the blog.

It’s hugely important that you create content which provides the best opportunity for readers to click on actionable links. With this, you know that your content is working and providing the right kind of value to your audience. Watch your mailing list and leads grow!

14. Work Closely with an Editor

While everything may sound like music to your ears with your own content, it is always useful to have an alternative opinion on the content that you are creating. Working closely with an editor is always a fantastic idea as it keeps a critical eye over your work. Having a sense of authority over you and an experienced opinion will not only keep you grounded, but will improve your work too.

Don’t lose your patience with an editor that is constantly chopping up your work! Remember that this will make your content better in the long run and help you to understand your writing. Even if you feel that it isn’t, hang in there and make his/her job and yours as easy as possible!

15. Don’t Be Afraid of Feedback

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This ties in a lot with the last point. Embracing feedback is one of the best steps when trying to improve your work. If you take every piece of feedback as a negative then you are bound to lose confidence. However, if you take feedback as a positive then you can take any criticism you receive and turn it into a positive. Long story short - don’t fear any feedback!

For example, let’s say you are told that you need to work on your sentence structure or length. This can quite easily be taken to heart and make you question everything you write! Try not to think like this. Take it as a positive that your content is receiving honest feedback and that you can improve quickly.

The place where is the most difficult to receive feedback is on social media like Instagram, Twitter, ... You don't have to be fear about all this feedbacks, if you understand and know how to filters good, bad and constructive feedbacks, that will be very helpful to learn ​how to grow audience through social media.

16. Keep Reading Your Work

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Writing your article and not reading it back is always a big mistake. You need to at least have a few read throughs before deciding that it’s ready to be shown to the world. It's possible that you made some small mistakes or errors in your post, so reading back will ensure that your work will be viewed in the best way possible.

One great idea is that you read your work aloud after you have finished writing. Not many do this or feel comfortable doing so. However it will allow you to hear back certain phrasing with a more critical ear.

You can also share your work with other members of your team or friends and family. An outside opinion will always pinpoint anything out of the ordinary or something that needs work. This will also improve communication within your company, as you can repay the favour by helping colleagues when they are stuck!

17. Make Content Marketing Decisions

It’s important to be decisive when it comes to your content. Dwelling too much on what content will work best and where to use it will do you no good. You need to make the best decisions for your company as soon as possible. And when you make a decision, you need to stand by it.

How do you make informed decisions for your content? By checking your analytics on a consistent basis and seeing how it performs over time. This will allow you to analyze which content works best and at what times. You can also use analytics to find the sources that are referring the most traffic. By making sure where the traffic is coming from, you will then be better placed to decide which content goes where

All of this information will help you make the best and most informed content calendar possible. When filling out the calendar you can now schedule relevant, share-worthy articles at the best times!

18. Repurpose Your Content

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Some of the best marketers know that repurposing or recycling your content is one of the best methods for content marketing. A great piece of content receiving large amounts of engagements will always benefit from being shared in some other capacity.

For example, if you have a piece of content that is filled with useful information you should take this and reformat or repurpose it into a visual like an infographic. It’s always a good idea to squeeze as much information as possible out of your blog posts. You should be able to bind articles that perform well together to create ebooks and guides, which will generate more traffic and interest in your product or service!

You can also take longer content and divide this into smaller blog posts that also provide value to your audience. Make the most from your best content, and get sharing!

19. Include Videos

The importance of using high-quality video content in your marketing material is now huge. While images and great graphic design are still effective, the power of video will shine through when you need to promote an event or your business. The ability to visualize your idea will prove to make the difference when it comes to convincing potential customers.

Let’s say you manage a booking agency for live music. Using high-quality videos on your website to promote each act will allow people to find out more about each musician. Seeing each artist in action will help the venue decide which musician suits them best. It’s a no brainer, right? People love to watch videos as it helps them to understand what they are buying into.

Maybe you are running a local hair and beauty business. People who come onto your website will want to see your products working successfully for your customers. Case studies of happy customers or known brands/businesses using your products is sure to create a positive energy around your business.

20. Record Informative Podcasts

Podcasts are growing in popularity as they allow people to express themselves and take in information in a new and digestible way. Some of the best podcasts around are often humorous or challenging, ensuring that a hot topic or interesting debate is discussed.

An hour-long podcast on something that you are passionate about will definitely help to bring in leads and potential customers. As long as the interest and knowledge of your product area is up to scratch, you should be good to go. Top of the funnel content such as podcasts ensure that you are attracting the right people to your website.

But how would you go about recording a podcast? Luckily, it's simple to get started. Investing in a good quality microphone would be the first step and should be easy to find online or in your nearest music store. Once you have this, you can use online content creation software such as Audacity or Adobe Audition. Putting your nerves aside and speaking confidently about your product or service area is key. Don’t lose heart though! Rome wasn’t built in a day and your confidence will grow as you continue to record.

21. Illustrate Your Content with Great Images

All great content includes beautiful, eye-catching imagery. Without it, your content will seem like it's lacking something and your words will not be backed up or enhanced by stunning images. After all you don’t want your great content to be missed by those who are most likely to read it. Putting things simply: the best way of getting your content to stand out is by including outstanding images.

If you offer products or services on your website, then you can use images in another way. Building high-quality backlinks to your landing pages should always be one of your priorities. So what better way to do this than building links to landing pages on images in your blog content. By creating great content, you will naturally entice readers to click through to your product pages. If you sell electrical equipment for example, then landing pages for smartphones and tablets can be used in your blog content to draw potential customers in.

22. Promote Your Content

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When you create great content, the first thing you are going to want to do is promote it. Sounds simple, right? It should be, but there is a lot more than meets the eye when it comes to promoting a piece of content effectively. Let’s imagine you have created the perfect blog post. It’s so good that everyone is going to see it right? Wrong. Creating the blog post is only the first step in your content marketing strategy.

Once you have your post completed then it's time to find people that are going to be interested in reading it. SEO techniques such as reverse engineering, content explorer and advanced content promotion strategies will help to find people that have shared similar content to yours. In plain English, you need to find similar articles to yours and contact the people that have shared or expressed an interest in it. This will (hopefully) provide you with a growing list of contacts whereby you can send them your content and ask for a read or a share.

23. Successful Content Creators Understanding Their KPIs

Gone are the days where you place a piece of content online and are happy with the results. You need to measure your blog post against specific metrics, otherwise you won’t know the best ways of improving or maintaining your content over time.

For example, let’s say you post your top 30 social media marketing ideas on your blog. Before you post this, try and establish what your expected or hoped traffic is going to be. Then you can measure what you actually achieved against your projected results. This can be anything from organic traffic, direct traffic, social media traffic or even those who have filled out contact us forms on your website. It’s up to you!

Google Analytics is your friend here and should help to make this process a straightforward one.

That’s it! You now have 23 great ideas for increasing revenue with your content. Every product or service needs effective content to promote themselves and draw in potential customers. More than that though, the best content should aim to educate and help people who visit your website.

The main learning point is that your content should only be the first step. To truly grow traffic, leads and subsequently revenue, you need to think outside the box and understand the industry around you. Going through your content with a fine tooth comb and ensuring that it’s fit for purpose is also essential! Content today demands the inclusion of high-quality images and videos, so try not to leave them out.

It’s important to remain firm when making content marketing decisions. With a clear lack of direction, your content will suffer and not get the results you need. Repurposing your content is also a fantastic idea as it allows you to use great content in a variety of ways. Open your mind to how your content can be used and growth should follow.